
Articles from Metropolitan Water District of Southern California

Metropolitan Issues Statement on State’s Fourth Snow Survey of the Season
Metropolitan Water District General Manager Deven Upadhyay issues the following statement on the California Department of Water Resources’ fourth snow survey of the season:
Metropolitan Board Supports Funding for Community Improvements in Palo Verde Valley
As farmers across Palo Verde Valley reduce irrigation on portions of their land to conserve water and help stabilize the Colorado River, the Metropolitan Water District Board of Directors this week took action to mitigate the impact of that temporary land fallowing and strengthen the greater Palo Verde Valley community.
Metropolitan Issues Statement on the State’s First Snow Survey of 2025
Metropolitan Water District Interim General Manager Deven Upadhyay issues the following statement regarding the Department of Water Resources first snow survey of the season:
Project to Develop New Local Water Supply for Southern California Gets Second Federal Funding Boost
A project that will make Southern California more resilient to climate change by purifying and reusing cleaned wastewater will receive a second infusion of funds from the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation.
Metropolitan Board Reelects Adán Ortega, Jr. as Chair for Two More Years
Adán Ortega, Jr. will remain at the helm of Metropolitan Water District’s Board of Directors through 2026 following a unanimous vote today by the board to reelect him as chair.
Water Recycling in Southern California Gets Major Funding Boost From Federal Government
Metropolitan Water District’s program to create a new water supply for Southern California by purifying water currently being sent to the ocean received a funding boost today from the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation.
Metropolitan Issues Statement on Release of New Cost Estimate for Delta Conveyance Project
Metropolitan Water District General Manager Adel Hagekhalil issues the following statement on the California Department of Water Resources’ release today of the cost estimate and benefit-cost analysis for the Delta Conveyance Project:
Metropolitan Celebrates Four Innovative, Water-Saving Projects
Four Southern California projects in Los Angeles, Riverside and San Diego counties that showcase the latest in water efficiency and together will save more than 200 million gallons of water annually were recognized today by the Metropolitan Water District.
Two Top Rating Agencies Reaffirm Metropolitan’s Strong Credit Ratings
A week after its governing board adopted a financially responsible two-year budget, the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California has once again earned excellent credit ratings from two of the nation’s top rating agencies.
Metropolitan Issues Statement on California’s First Snow Survey of the Season
Adel Hagekhalil, general manager of the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, issues the following statement on the California Department of Water Resources’ first snow survey of the season:
Metropolitan Issues Statement on Adoption of New Regulations for Direct Potable Reuse
Adel Hagekhalil, general manager of the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, issues the following statement on the State Water Resources Control Board adoption of regulations on direct potable reuse:
Metropolitan Issues Statement on Release of Final Environmental Impact Report for Delta Conveyance Project
Adel Hagekhalil, general manager of the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, issues the following statement on the California Department of Water Resources’ release today of the final Environmental Impact Report for the Delta Conveyance Project:
New Southern California Water Bank Improves Water Supply Reliability for Millions
After three years of construction, the first stage of a critical new groundwater storage project is complete and water is flowing into storage, significantly increasing Southern California’s water supply reliability in the face of a rapidly changing climate. Officials from the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California and the Antelope Valley-East Kern Water Agency celebrated the key milestone today.
Metropolitan Issues Statement on Death of San Fernando City Councilwoman Cindy Montañez
Metropolitan Water District of Southern California Board Chair Adán Ortega, Jr. issues the following statement on the death of San Fernando Councilwoman Cindy Montañez:
Metropolitan, Antelope Valley-East Kern Water Agency to celebrate new regional water storage
Metropolitan Water District of Southern California:
Metropolitan issues statement on Gov. Newsom signing bill to eliminate non-functional turf
Adel Hagekhalil, general manager of the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, issues the following statement on Gov. Newsom’s signing of AB1572, legislation co-sponsored by Metropolitan to prohibit the use of potable water to irrigate grass that is not used for recreation or other purposes – also known as non-functional turf – on commercial, industrial, municipal and institutional properties.
Metropolitan Issues Statement on Passing of Senator Dianne Feinstein
Metropolitan Water District Chair Adán Ortega, Jr. and General Manager Adel Hagekhalil have issued the following statement on the death of Senator Dianne Feinstein:
Metropolitan Issues Statement on Proposed Voluntary Agreements in Update of Bay-Delta Plan
Adel Hagekhalil, general manager of the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, issues the following statement on the State Water Board’s release of its draft staff report and Substitute Environmental Document for the Bay-Delta Water Quality Control Plan, which includes proposed Agreements to Support Healthy Rivers and Landscapes, also known as the Voluntary Agreements. The agreements will be considered by the State Water Board in its update of the Bay-Delta Plan.
Metropolitan Improving Water Supply Reliability for 7 Million People
Millions of Southern Californians who were required to dramatically reduce their water use last year will have increased access to water supplies in the future under two projects advanced today by Metropolitan Water District’s Board of Directors.
Officials to Celebrate $80 Million in State Funding for Pure Water Southern California
Metropolitan Water District of Southern California:
Metropolitan welcomes two new directors to Board of Directors
Two new directors representing Foothill Municipal Water District and the city of Los Angeles were seated today on the Board of Directors of the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California.
Metropolitan earns excellent credit ratings from top three rating agencies
Thanks to the responsible management of its finances and resources, the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California has once again received excellent credit ratings from the nation’s top rating agencies. Following recent rating actions by S&P of AAA/stable and Moody’s of Aa1/stable for Metropolitan's recent $258.4 million Series 2023A revenue bond transaction, Fitch Ratings announced last week a AA+/stable rating for Metropolitan.
New Research Shows Water Quality, Availability and Cost Among Top Concerns for Southern Californians
A majority of Southern California consumers are concerned about the availability and safety of their drinking water, and about half are willing to pay higher rates for investments that address supply issues, according to a recent Metropolitan Water District survey.
Metropolitan issues statement on award of state funding for water efficiency programs
Adel Hagekhalil, general manager of the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, issues the following statement on Gov. Gavin Newsom’s announcement to provide $38 million for Southern California water efficiency projects:
Metropolitan Honors Six Organizations for Innovative, Water-Saving Projects
Six businesses and municipalities throughout Southern California were recognized by the Metropolitan Water District today for their investments in large-scale water-efficiency projects that together will save more than 1 billion gallons of water over the next decade.
Metropolitan Issues Statement on Lower Basin Plan for Interim Operations of Colorado River
Metropolitan Water District of Southern California issues the following statements on the submission of a consensus Lower Basin Plan to the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation as an action alternative under the Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement for revised interim operation of the Colorado River through 2026:
Metropolitan Releases Inaugural Report Outlining Progress on Climate Action Plan
The Metropolitan Water District of Southern California today released its inaugural Climate Action Plan report, detailing its progress over the past year on a suite of measures designed to help the district achieve carbon neutrality by 2045.
Metropolitan Issues Statement on State Water Project Allocation Increasing to 100%
Adel Hagekhalil, general manager of the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, issues the following statement on the California Department of Water Resources’ announcement to increase the State Water Project allocation to 100%:
Metropolitan issues statement on release of draft SEIS for near-term Colorado River operations
Adel Hagekhalil, general manager of the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, issues the following statement on the Bureau of Reclamation’s release today of a draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement for near-term operations of the Colorado River:
Metropolitan Conservation Advertising Campaign Hits “Big Screen” on World’s Largest Digital Billboard
The Metropolitan Water District of Southern California has launched its latest round of conservation advertising on the world’s largest digital billboard to amplify the critical need for Southern Californians to continue saving water.
Metropolitan to Refill Southern California’s Largest Reservoir for First Time in Three Years
Metropolitan Water District of Southern California:
Metropolitan Issues Statement on Governor’s Drought Action, Increased State Water Project Allocation
Adel Hagekhalil, general manager of the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, issues the following statement on Gov. Gavin Newsom’s announced changes to drought declaration and the California Department of Water Resources’ announced increase of the State Water Project allocation to 75 percent:
Metropolitan Board Rescinds Emergency Conservation Mandate Imposed on Dozens of Communities
The Metropolitan Water District of Southern California will no longer mandate emergency restrictions on water use for nearly 7 million people after winter storms helped alleviate shortage conditions that severely limited the availability of state water supplies, the Board of Directors decided Tuesday (March 14).
Metropolitan Issues Statement on Increased State Water Project Allocation
Adel Hagekhalil, general manager of the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, issues the following statement on the California Department of Water Resource’s announcement to increase the State Water Project allocation to 35 percent.
Metropolitan Board Names New General Auditor
Scott Suzuki, who has 22 years of auditing experience assessing and improving organizations in both the public and private sector, has been named the general auditor of the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California.
Metropolitan Issues Statement on Increased State Water Project Allocation
Adel Hagekhalil, general manager of the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, issues the following statement on the California Department of Water Resources’ announced increase of the State Water Project allocation to 30 percent:
Metropolitan Advances Project to Deliver New Water Supplies to Communities Hit Hardest by Drought
Construction will begin soon on the first of several projects to bring additional water to Southern California communities hit hardest by the state’s record drought, following a vote by Metropolitan Water District’s Board of Directors this week to award a contract for the project’s construction.
Metropolitan Installs New Board Chair, Welcomes Three New Directors
Adán Ortega, Jr. took the helm today of Metropolitan Water District’s Board of Directors as the 20th chair and first Latino to lead the board in the district’s 95-year history.
Metropolitan Issues Statement on State Snow Survey Following Early Storms
Deven Upadhyay, executive officer and assistant general manager of the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, issues the following statement on the California Department of Water Resources’ first snow survey of the season:
Regional Drought Emergency Declared for All of Southern California
Preparing for a fourth consecutive dry year, Metropolitan Water District’s Board of Directors has declared a Regional Drought Emergency for all of Southern California and called upon water agencies to immediately reduce their use of all imported supplies.
Metropolitan Launches Dashboard to Track Progress on Greenhouse Gas Emission Reductions
As part of its broad push to reduce its carbon footprint to address climate change, the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California today launched a new dashboard that allows the public to view the district’s progress in meeting ambitious goals to cut greenhouse gas emissions.
Metropolitan General Manager Issues Statement on Announcement of Initial State Water Project Allocation
Adel Hagekhalil, general manager of the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, issues the following statement on the California Department of Water Resources’ initial State Water Project allocation of 5 percent, plus additional supplies to meet health and safety needs:
Metropolitan Board Calls for Banning Non-Functional Turf on Commercial, Industrial, Public Properties
With drought and climate change stressing water availability, the Metropolitan Water District is taking steps to eliminate an all-too-common sight in Southern California that uses up valuable water resources – ornamental grass that serves no recreational or community purpose – grass known as non-functional turf.
Metropolitan Board Elects Adán Ortega as New Chairman
Water policy and strategic communications consultant Adán Ortega today was elected chairman of the board of directors of the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, the primary water importer and wholesaler for 19 million people in six counties.
Metropolitan Board Approves Landmark Project Labor Agreement for Construction Contracts
The majority of Metropolitan Water District’s construction projects over the next five years will now be covered by a landmark collective bargaining agreement with labor unions and construction contractors – known as a Project Labor Agreement – following a vote today by the agency’s board of directors.
State Gives $130 Million Boost to Projects Essential to Reliabilty of Southern California’s Water Supply
Several Metropolitan projects critical to ensuring reliable water supplies for Southern California in the face of drought and climate change will receive $130 million in state funding, as a result of legislation signed by Gov. Gavin Newsom.
Metropolitan Completes Pipeline Repairs Ahead of Schedule
Residents and businesses in portions of Los Angeles County can resume limited watering outdoors – with conservation clearly in mind – after the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California completed urgent repairs on a major pipeline ahead of schedule, the agency announced today.
Emergency Pipeline Repair Requires 4 Million People Across LA County to Suspend Outdoor Watering for 15 Days, Sept. 6-20
Residents and businesses in dozens of communities across Los Angeles County were urged today to eliminate all outdoor watering for 15 days starting next Tuesday (Sept. 6), while a critical water delivery pipeline is shut down for emergency repairs.
Metropolitan to Urgently Call on Portions of Los Angeles County to Suspend Outdoor Watering Ahead of Major Pipeline Shutdown Next Week
Metropolitan Water District of Southern California:
Metropolitan Board’s Diversity, Equity, Inclusion Forum Paves Path for Future Progress
Continuing on its path to create a more diverse, equitable and inclusive workplace, Metropolitan Water District leaders this week convened its first-ever Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Forum focused on creating a strong sense of belonging for all.
Metropolitan Commits to Greater Water Reliability, Supply Equity for All Member Agencies
With extreme drought placing unprecedented stress on the region’s water delivery system and supply availability that prompted shortages for 6 million Southern Californians this year, Metropolitan Water District’s Board of Directors is committing to providing its entire six-county service area with reliable and equitable access to available water and storage across the region.
Metropolitan Issues Statement on Colorado River Discussions to Reduce Demands on River by 2 to 4 Million Acre-Feet
Adel Hagekhalil, general manager of the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, issues the following statement on the Bureau of Reclamation’s announcement today on the Basin States’ effort to develop a plan to reduce demands on the Colorado River by 2 to 4 million acre-feet:
Portions of LA County Called to Eliminate Outdoor Watering for 15 Days While Important Water Delivery Pipeline Repaired
Starting Tuesday, Sept. 6, residents and businesses in portions of greater Los Angeles County are being called on to suspend outdoor watering for 15 days as a critical imported water pipeline is shut down for emergency repairs. The Metropolitan Water District is joined by its member agencies and local retail water agencies in the water-saving call to stretch Southern California’s severely limited water supplies as Metropolitan repairs this pipeline.
Metropolitan Issues Statement on Newsom Administration Water Initiatives to Counter Aridification
Adel Hagekhalil, general manager of the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, and Gloria D. Gray, chairwoman of Metropolitan’s Board of Directors, issue the following statement on initiatives advanced by Governor Newsom and the California Natural Resources Agency to counter water impacts caused by California’s warming climate:
Metropolitan Issues Statement on U.S. Senate Passage of Inflation Reduction Act, Including Drought Relief Funding
Adel Hagekhalil, general manager of the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, and Gloria D. Gray, chairwoman of Metropolitan’s Board of Directors, issue the following statement on the U.S. Senate’s passage of the Inflation Reduction Act, which includes $4 billion for drought relief programs in the Colorado River Basin and elsewhere.
Metropolitan Issues Statement on Release of State’s Draft Environmental Impact Report for the Delta Conveyance Project
Adel Hagekhalil, general manager of the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California and Gloria D. Gray, chairwoman of Metropolitan’s Board of Directors, issue the following statement on the California Department of Water Resources’ release of the Draft Environmental Impact Report for the Delta Conveyance Project:
New Studies Show Metropolitan’s Grass Removal Incentives Are Driving Transformation of Southern California’s Landscapes
As Southern California faces the most challenging drought in its history, two new studies highlight the value and wide-ranging success of Metropolitan Water District’s Turf Replacement Program, which gives cash rebates to residents who swap their water-guzzling lawns for more water-efficient California Friendly® and native plants.
Metropolitan Officially Signs on to Initiative to Bring Greater Equity to Construction of the Nation’s Infrastructure
The Metropolitan Water District of Southern California has officially joined a movement to increase equity in the nation’s infrastructure construction economy and help build generational wealth in underrepresented communities across the country.
Future of Recycled Water in Southern California Gets a New Name: Pure Water Southern California
A new, large-scale local water supply in development for the region is getting a new name – Pure Water Southern California. The water recycling project, being developed by the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California (Metropolitan) in partnership with the Los Angeles County Sanitation Districts (Sanitation Districts), has for years been known as the Regional Recycled Water Program.
Metropolitan General Manager Issues Statement on Need to Respond to Declining Colorado River Conditions
Adel Hagekhalil, general manager of the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, issues the following statement on U.S Bureau of Reclamation Commissioner Camille Touton’s testimony today before the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources on the severity of the Colorado River drought and need for short- and long-term drought solutions across the West:
Metropolitan General Manager Issues Statement on Latest Statewide Conservation Numbers
Adel Hagekhalil, general manager of the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, issues the following statement on the State Water Resources Control Board’s release today of the latest statewide conservation numbers indicating an increase in water use:
Emergency Drought Restrictions Go Into Effect for Six Million Southern Californians
Local water providers serving about one-third of Southern California will begin mandating emergency drought restrictions today to stretch the region’s severely limited water supplies until the end of the year.
Metropolitan General Manager Issues Statement on State Water Board Emergency Regulations on Conservation
Adel Hagekhalil, general manager of the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, issues the following statement on the State Water Resources Control Board adoption today of emergency conservation regulations in response to the drought, including a ban on using potable water to irrigate nonfunctional turf in commercial, industrial and institutional sectors:
Metropolitan Advances Ambitious Climate Action Plan to Achieve Carbon Neutrality by 2045
As part of a broad push toward greater environmental sustainability, Metropolitan Water District’s Board of Directors today voted to approve a set of strategies to cut its greenhouse gas emissions and achieve carbon neutrality by 2045.
Metropolitan Cuts Outdoor Watering to One Day a Week for Six Million Southern Californians
One-third of Southern Californians face new restrictions limiting outdoor watering to one day a week under an unprecedented action taken by the Metropolitan Water District to dramatically reduce water use in communities most affected by the state’s historic drought.
Metropolitan to Announce Mandatory Conservation Plan Restricting Outdoor Watering to One Day a Week in Response to Drought Crisis
Metropolitan Water District of Southern California:
Metropolitan Names First-Ever Chief Diversity, Equity, Inclusion Officer
The Metropolitan Water District of Southern California has named its first chief diversity, equity and inclusion officer to head a new office created to propel and support a positive workplace for employees across the district.
Metropolitan Adopts Two-Year Budget to Address Drought, Climate Change While Mitigating Impacts of Rising Costs, Lower Sales
A two-year budget that strikes a balance between investing in reliable water supplies for Southern California while managing rates to address rising operational costs and reduced revenues due to lower water sales and severe drought was adopted by Metropolitan Water District’s Board of Directors.
Metropolitan General Manager Issues Statement on California’s Final, Alarming Snowpack Survey
Adel Hagekhalil, general manager of the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, issues the following statement on the California Department of Water Resources’ final snowpack survey of the season:
Metropolitan General Manager Issues Statement on Governor’s Executive Order on Drought
Adel Hagekhalil, general manager of the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, issues the following statement on Gov. Newsom’s executive order today addressing extreme and expanding drought conditions:
Metropolitan Names First Chief Equal Employment Opportunity Officer to Support, Strengthen Workforce Culture
The Metropolitan Water District of Southern California has hired its first Chief Equal Employment Opportunity officer to help implement a suite of changes that builds and reaffirms a workplace culture of inclusion, respect, safety and accountability, the agency announced today.
State, Local Leaders Make Call for Increased Conservation as Drought Worsens
Facing another year of extremely limited water supplies from the Northern Sierra, state and local water leaders today called on Southern Californians to significantly reduce their water use, particularly outdoors, where more than half of all residential water is typically used.
State, Local Water Leaders to Call for Increased Conservation as Drought Intensifies
Metropolitan Water District of Southern California:
Metropolitan Names First-Ever Chief Sustainability, Resiliency, Innovation Officer
Environmental leader and former Los Angeles infrastructure director Liz Crosson will help the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California implement an aggressive agenda to reduce its carbon footprint and strengthen its resiliency to climate change, the agency announced today.
Metropolitan General Manager Issues Statement on Decreased State Water Project Allocation
Adel Hagekhalil, general manager of the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, issues the following statement on the California Department of Water Resources’ announcement to decrease the State Water Project allocation to 5 percent.